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"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined."
– Thoreau
What should I wear?This will vary depending on the specific retreat + location. We can discuss wardrobe in our initial call and/or time of booking. Shoes: you will need a pair of waterproof hiking shoes or sturdy boots – by sturdy, I mean shoes with hard soles to handle walking over rocks and providing good ankle support to minimize the risk of injury. I personally prefer boots over hiking shoes for maximum ankle support. Lightweight sneakers and open-toed shoes, although cute, are not meant for hiking and can quickly lead to injuries. Socks: I can’t recommend this enough - bring 100% merino wool socks. These socks are the most effective at avoiding blisters, not to mention the soggy, sweaty, smelly socks after a day of hiking. Clothes: non-cotton moisture wicking tops and bottoms are ideal. I highly recommend dressing in layers, especially on top, as your body temperature will change due to different hike intensities and weather conditions. A rain jacket
What gear will I need?Free To Exhale doesn’t want the stress of buying gear to be a deterrent for your decision to invest in your wellbeing. That’s why a backpack (with a water system) and hiking poles are available for use, free of charge, if requested at the time of booking. Gear for any excursions throughout the trip will also be provided.
What level of physical fitness is required?I carefully select hiking trails that range from easy to moderate, depending on the group’s requests. However, it’s no secret that hiking is a cardio activity with a lot of leg work, so I would suggest preparing your body and mind. It may be intimidating, but the reward is unmeasurable, and the views are indescribable. You won’t be asked to do more than what your body can handle, you just need to trust in its capabilities. If you’re planning to do in-depth training in preparation for the retreat, aim for hiking 5 miles (at an incline) per hike. Also, keep in mind the added weight from your water backpack. Even though it’s minimal, it may be something your body is not accustomed to. Don’t worry, there will be stops for rest and sitting throughout the hike – this isn’t a race or a bootcamp! Our retreats take you to wild, semi-remote destinations where you will be exposed to the majesty and challenges of the outdoors. You’ll need to be able to withstand exposure to a variety of climatic conditions like heat, cold, rain and wind. That being said, you should have a good understanding of your abilities and how to monitor your health.
What will the schedule be?One of the most important aspects of this retreat is disconnecting from the mindset of having/following a schedule. In general, we will be waking up at least two hours before sunrise to drive to the trailhead and begin our hike as the sun rises (you can sleep on the drive there as I’ll be driving). You will have free time in between hikes to spend your time as you wish. After sunset hikes, we’ll be returning to camp to wind down and rest up. It can be a roll-out-of-bed kind of morning. Allow yourself grace as to what “getting ready” entails. The retreat is a time for you to be yourself in an unfiltered way.
Why is use of cell phone and internet discouraged?The foundational premise of these retreats is to disconnect from the outside world and all the responsibilities + obligations placed upon you. We are so attached to our phones and the social world that we forget how to let go and be alone with our minds. You won’t be able to focus on yourself if you don’t disconnect from the things that are stealing your attention. I cannot keep you from using your phone, but I can assure you that you will not get the most out of the trip if you allow it to distract you.
What will the meals be like?We will have simplistic, hearty meals with all the right nutrients to fuel our bodies. A selection of non-alcoholic beverages will be available to choose from. For snacks, we’ll have protein bars, trail mix, snack and go cheese, jerky and hydration supplements. FOOD RESTRICTIONS: if you have a food restriction, please let this be known at the time of booking.
Is transportation from the airport included?A one-time scheduled drop off + pick up is included, free of charge. For arrival/departure times outside of the times scheduled, participants will need to provide their own transportation. The retreat arrivals to XXX Airport will arrive by X pm on XXX and depart after X pm on XXX.
What if I need to cancel?All investment increments, once made, are non-refundable. Last-minute cancellations based on COVID-19 emergencies will be worked out on a case-by-case basis. Free To Exhale will discuss applying any payments you have made towards a future retreat.
What happens if Free To Exhale has to cancel or postpone the retreat?Guests will be notified immediately if a retreat must be postponed or cancelled due to travel restrictions, venue closure (due to wildfires or similar issues), or unexpected emergencies/illness of the retreat leader. If the retreat schedule must be changed, it will be moved to a later date of at least 4-6 months out to allow guests to make their arrangements and take care of any fees, transferred to an alternate retreat already scheduled with openings, or payments made for the retreat to date will be refunded upon request.
When is payment due?Half of your payment is due at the time of booking. The other half is due at least 30 days before the date of departure, unless otherwise specified by Free To Exhale. Payment plans may be set up if preferred. A non-refundable $500 deposit must be paid to reserve your spot and set up a payment plan. Space is limited, so reservations will be based on the dates that deposits are received. If registrations exceed space available, priority will be given based on the dates of registration deposits. with payments charged on the 1st and the 15th of the month.
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